Welcome to NADSFL Membership Portal

If you have any questions about your eligibility for membership, please send an e-mail to info@nadsfl.org.

Regular Member $40 annually
Those eligible for regular membership are public elementary or secondary personnel (local education agency) OR private (non-state supported) elementary or secondary personnel whose area of responsibility is supervision of world language programs including the implementation of state and district policies for languages other than English of any state of the United States of America, the District of Columbia, and the possessions of the United States of America. Additionally, elementary or secondary directors/administrators within a local education agency or private education agency who were formerly responsible for world language education and who are currently responsible for the oversight of personnel and programs related to world language education are eligible for regular membership.

Associate Member $40 annually
Those eligible for associate membership include the following: a) individuals from post-secondary institutions, public or private, with responsibility for world language education or world language teacher education or training; b) representatives of national or state professional organizations that are advocates for world language education from the United States and other countries; c) individuals who are full-time professional world language consultants.

Retired Member $20 annually

Those eligible for retired membership are persons who have held regular membership in NADSFL and who have retired from positions in elementary or secondary public or private institutions.

Patron Member *Based on sponsorship level
Individuals who are employed on a regular basis by commercial vendors such as textbook publishers, educational materials developers, or assessment companies. Patron members shall not have voting privileges or eligibility for office.

Associate Patron Member $40 annually
Those eligible for associate patron membership include representatives of national, state, or local world language publications, world language related commercial vendors. *Please note: Vendors will be limited to no more than two associate patron members. Associate patron members shall not have voting privileges or eligibility for office.

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